i miss you mum. but thank you for so much.

at least i have a brain

I got almost 50 years of love from my mum….

i got so so much from her.

and it does make it harder to lose her.

almost one tear ago exactly, my mammy decided that she would go with God.

it was a beautiful death and i was privileged to be with her.

until the day she died I knew she loved me, and she knew that i loved her.

my mam.


  • wee me! in Grannies. oh dear GOD, mum WHAT were you at with those tights? and my wee short dress! LOL i look much more like my granny on dad’s side. so i have always been able to see the parts of my personality that came from his side. But for Mother’s Day, i decided to see what i took from you mum. Personality after all is a mix of nurture and nature…so you are definitely in the mix!…

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