On Christmas Day


Glowing winter trees. Glowing winter trees.

First. The important stuff.

Merry Christmas.

And, no we didn’t.

You know that saying? “Sometimes the hardest part of taking a picture is getting there?”

Well. We didn’t get there. We ate too much heavy Russian food. “It’s a Wonderful Life” was playing on the television. Everybody was full. Happy. Very lazy. Nobody felt like driving 50 miles upriver to look at the bonfires. Besides, it was like 72 degrees at bonfire time. What kind of winter is that?

Sheesh, we turn our air conditioners on to celebrate Christmas. Instead of pristine quiet, we have the rattle and hum of running motors.

So. I walked around the neighborhood and took pictures of where I live. I’d love to have a white Christmas. With snowy pictures. But, I live in a semi-tropical place. Besides, if I lived in a cold climate I’d just complain about shoveling the driveway and slipping on the…

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