mudança — Umumbigo

“A maré tinha de estar no ponto certo. Nós tínhamos de estar na água no instante em que a maré estava no ponto. No máximo, só devemos ter feito isto uma dúzia de vezes, durante os dois anos que vivemos ali, mas é disso que me lembro. De cada vez que o fazíamos, eu tinha […]

mudança — Umumbigo

Ivan Timofeev: The rest of the world can use a lesson from history to neuter the hegemonic power of the West — RT – Daily news

Beijing and Moscow can lead a kickback against the West dictating to the rest of the world The experience of the erstwhile Golden Horde, as of many other empires, suggests that directives lose meaning when the mass of players ignoring them becomes critical. Thus, while today’s Western hegemony still retains a large amount of control,…

Ivan Timofeev: The rest of the world can use a lesson from history to neuter the hegemonic power of the West — RT – Daily news

Ukraine risks repeating Chernobyl disaster, Russia warns — RT – Daily news

Moscow has accused Kiev of shelling Europe’s largest nuclear power plant Russia has urged the UN and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to make Ukraine stop the “shelling” of Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. Moscow accused Ukrainian troops of firing artillery shells at the Zaporozhskaya Nuclear Power Plant in the country’s southern Zaporozhye Region…

Ukraine risks repeating Chernobyl disaster, Russia warns — RT – Daily news