The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church has approved a chanted prayer for jobseekers for use in regular worship services. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. Photo: iStock via The prayer mentions work that will be of benefit and yield worthy fruits, as well as help [the supplicant] to observe the church commandments, RIA Novosti reports. […]

A Prayer for Jobseekers — The Russian Reader

Lyrics Women of a certain ageThey learn to rely, and judge all his responsesHaving played the mating gameShe doesn’t waste time ‘cause all that she wants isReally honest emotionsOnes he can’t help but showThough I hardly know your nameI know about love and I knowI don’t wanna lose youI don’t even wanna say goodbye, oh, […]

Tina Turner – I Don’t Wanna Lose You — Dexaketo

Views from Ferry En Route from Tarbert, Isle of Harris, the Outer Hebrides to Uig, Isle of Skye, The Inner Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom Thank you for joining me on my travels through Scotland one Photo at a time. I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did. If you like what you…

Grand Tour of Scotland: Day 10: 21 August 2019 ~Ferry Ride from Tarbert to Uig #45 — Making Picture-Perfect Memories for life

Fallen Leaves *** Il nuovo film di Aki Kaurismäki, il suo quinto in concorso da Cannes, è un altro piccolo racconto dalla parte degli ultimi, intimo, compassionevole, pieno di tenerezze. Fedele al suo universo narrativo e all’umanità dei suoi personaggi, questa volta il regista finlandese racconta una storia d’amore tra due operai. Holappa lavora nel […]

Cannes 2023. Fallen Leaves — Stanze di Cinema

Foto: Reprodução Em entrevista ao UOL News, o jurista Vidal Serrano Nunes Júnior, professor de Direito da PUC-SP, disse que há uma necessidade de avaliação mais profunda das provas no caso de Eduardo Appio, juiz da Lava Jato afastado pelo TRF-4. Nesse caso, parece-me mais adequado haver uma avaliação mais concreta da prova e apurar…

Juristas criticam afastamento apressado de Appio — Blog da Cidadania

This is likely to be the next big thing across the pond! Château d’Estoublon’s Roseblood Rosé has recently debuted in the US two ways – in the glass and in the form of a decadent rosé-infused macaron from Maison Ladurée. The collaboration with Maison Ladurée will be offered as part of a full-immersion rosé inspired […]

A Rosé with its Own Rosé-Infused Macaron — View from the Back

No importa que se mueva el suelo que pisas, importa qué sientes tú. Importa cómo te ves y si escoges un camino de una vez por todas, aunque tus decisiones tengan que bailar con una incertidumbre tan inmensa que creas que vas a tientas. Aunque tengas tanto miedo de caer del zarandeo que tu paso […]

Todo está bien si tú estás bien contigo — merceroura