Road closed 

Beka's journal

As we take this short cut, we are really grateful that it exists. This road will shorten our mileage by half and save us alot of time and money.
With the main highway we would cover almost 50kms, travelling about 18kms on the Southern bypass then 30kms on Thika superhighway. But this road is like the hypotenus of a right angled triangle, we gonna cut across and travel for only 20kms.

We take a right turn, and call to let out host know we’ll be there in about 30mins. Down the road we drive, as I apply another layer of powder on my oily chicks. Just 7kms to go, it’s really a shortcut.

We carefully take a sharp corner and the driver breaks suddenly missing a heap of sand by an inch. And right ahead there’s this huge sign ..


Really, the contractor decided to have the road…

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