All Creatures Great and Small

Nan's Farm

Part One – The Sheep

The sheep minus the lambs

We’ve all done those trips down memory Lane haven’t we?  My own trips often include the cast of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’.  Sheep, pet lambs, goats, ponies, cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits, hamsters and a couple of parrots that all became part of our family.

Right now, it’s the beginning of August and as usual at this time of year, the lambs have been separated from the yews and have been moved a mile up the hill to fresh grazing.  I enjoy watching the lambs grow and still feel a twinge of sadness when it’s time for them to move on, their mothers however, appear to get over it in less than twenty four hours!

When our children were young we all looked forward to springtime and the new lambs. It was a time when if we were lucky, we would have the opportunity to bottle feed the pet…

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two voices (tired)

Frank Prem Poetry

I’m tired enough to want to sleep

he’s tired enough to want some sleep

tired enough to want to keep

tired enough that he wants to keep

my eyes shut tight all through the night

his eyes closed

eyes closed tight until the light comes

his eyes closed

tonight’s the night to sleep right through

tonight’s the night if he sleeps right through

tonight I’ll sleep the morning too

he’ll sleep beyond the morning too

I’m tired enough I’ll be there so long

he’s tired

only open up in the light of dawn

he’s so tired

I’m tired


so tired

sweet sleep

I wish tonight be filled to the top

fill it up to the brim

with sleep

to sleep

precious sleep

sleep sleep sleep

I’m tired enough           (enough)
I’ll close my eyes           (close your eyes)
so tired  …

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Thata Alves lança livreto ‘Troca’ inspirado na ancestralidade feminina


Obra chega ao público no próximo sábado (26) às 20h30 em evento no Aparelha Luzia

Inspirada pelo cotidiano e pela ancestralidade, a poeta Thata Alves, de 24 anos, lança no próximo sábado (26) às 20h30 o livreto “Troca”, no Aparelha Luzia, com música e performance da autora com textos do livro. A entrada é gratuita.

A obra surge com o intuito de trocar não apenas as poesias, mas olhares sobre questões cotidianas adormecidas ou naturalizadas.  Conforme a autora é uma análise da importância da ancestralidade da mulher para encarar alguns elementos de forma panorâmica.

O livro tem 50 páginas tem prefácio de Tokinho Carvalho, organização de Rogério Gonzaga e coedição da editora Zinelândia. Conforme conta a autora, traz um olhar sobre o feminino ancestral, com poesias surgem para ela como um estado de espírito. Assim, o livreto é baseado nas experiências adquiridas por Thata Alves a partir das próprias vivências…

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10 problema s kojima se suočava svaki pisac

Coffee & Stuff

Pisac je osoba koja se, profesionalno ili iz vlastitog zadovoljstva, bavi pisanjem priča, tekstova, stručnih članaka ili knjiga.

Pisac je osoba koja na pismeni način izražava i dijeli svoje misli, ideje ili znanje s ostatkom svijeta.

Kad mi je pala na pamet ova tema, prvo pitanje koje mi je prošlo kroz glavu bilo je – koja je definicija pisca? Ne budi lijena, malo sam potražila po rječnicima značenje riječi pisac, a sve definicije se svode uglavnom na isto. Pisac je osoba koja piše. Točka.

Definicija pisca se malo promijenila tokom godina. Nekada je titula pisca pripadala samo onima koji su od svog pisanja živjeli, koji su od pisanja napravili karijeru ili koji su objavili barem jednu knjigu nakon koje se za njih više nije nikada čulo (neuspješni pisac).

Digitalno internetsko doba donijelo nam je slobodu pisanja na računalu i objavljivanja sadržaja na internetu, potpuno besplatno u obliku raznih platformi…

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Lucas Palhão

— Credo! Que mau humor!

— Você fala isso porque seu time não perdeu!

— Que nada! Eu é que não vou deixar algo fora do meu controle afetar meu humor!

#microcontopalhao #ate300caracteres

Você conhece o livro Como Escrever uma Dissertação — Um Guia Rápido para Iniciar e Terminar um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, Artigo ou Dissertação? Se tiver interesse, está disponível pela Darda Livraria em

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No the 25th Amendment can’t be used to remove Donald Trump from office


Idiots, establishment politicians and lyingjournalists of all stripes are fantasizing all over the internet about using the 25th amendment to “remove” President Trump from office.

Ha! That’s never going to happen. They do realize how unlikely the circuitous events that are required to exercise section 4 actually are, don’t they?

Perhaps not.

Is exercising the 25th to remove Trump even possible? In a word, NO. But lets take a serious look and see why it can never work, at least not more than temporarily.

Lets game the 25th amendment fever dream of the anti-Trump morons out, shall we?

Start with the highly unlikely possibility that Vice President Mike Pence and the majority of President Trump’s Cabinet would publicly declare that Trump is unable to perform the duties of his office because he’s mentally “disabled” or otherwise “unfit for office”.

Setting aside the question of who exactly is the arbitrator…

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