Congresso corrupto salva Temer e deixa o Brasil governado pelo crime | Brasil 24/7

Um Congresso Nacional formado majoritariamente por corruptos, que se venderam a Michel Temer, denunciado por corrupção em razão das propinas pagas pela JBS, salvou, nesta quarta-feira, o governo mais sujo da história do Brasil; numa data que ficará gravada na história do Brasil como um dia da infâmia, Temer exonerou dez ministros, incluindo seu articulador Antônio Imbassahy, do PSDB, que comprou votos em plena sessão; operação para salvar Temer custou cerca de R$ 17 bilhões, em emendas e perdões de dívidas de setores como o ruralista, que ajuda a formar a base de Temer; com isso, conclui-se mais uma etapa do golpe dos corruptos contra a presidente honesta Dilma Rousseff – o que deixa o Brasil sequestrado, dominado e governado pelo crime

Fonte: Congresso corrupto salva Temer e deixa o Brasil governado pelo crime | Brasil 24/7

Open #midnighthaiku — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

Writing this, I came up against one of those thorny questions in language; how may syllables in ‘hours’? It is not the only word to be so confusing, nor is there any definitive help in the dictionaries. Opinions vary, so does pronunciation depending upon regional or national accent…and so does the usage of those poets […]

via Open #midnighthaiku — Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo

“Lover, lover, lover. — johncoyote

Lover, lover, lover A Poem by Coyote Poetry Leonard Cohen song gave me reason to write. Burning desire Locked doors left us in the utopia of kiss and embrace. We were protected by the whispers of Leonard Cohen songs in the background. Love was new and you were my only need. Your gentle whispers of, […]

via “Lover, lover, lover. — johncoyote

Danse Macabre

by Chris Ernest Nelson

He pretended that everyday
occupations and distractions 
were all there was to life.
He went about his business
with plugs in his ears and
his face pressed to his
telephone screen.

He thought he deserved
to be happy,
And he mastered it all.
He thought trials and troubles
were meant for others,
because their follies and failings
made them vulnerable to
crises and cares.
None of it reached him.

But comfort was not enough.
In the dark when
he was entirely alone,
he was drawn to risking it all,
he lingered so close to the abyss,
for so long, a voice
inside its shadow goaded,
“Step over or step back.”

So he stepped back,
away from the yawning void,
and then to the precipice again,
away and then back again,
like an automaton caught in a
danse macabre–
Dancing to the music of words,

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Video: Duncan says protesters HERE lucky not to be shot/gassed #Venezuela


For some time now, the SKWAWKBOX has been predicting privately that it was only a matter of time before desperate, integrity-free Tories or their mouthpieces tried to ‘weaponise’ Venezuela to attack Jeremy Corbyn. They’re scraping the bottom of the barrel and coming up empty on everything else, so it was inevitable.

Sure enough, Tory Minister Alan Duncan got the ‘desperation short-straw’ and was all over BBC News this morning.


A sweating and uncomfortable-looking Mr Duncan tried hard to appear outraged about Venezuela, demanding that Jeremy Corbyn ‘publicly condemn’ Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, ‘or else we’ll have a very good idea what he stands for‘.

caracas-clashes_2838416bProtesters throw ‘Molotov cocktail’ fire-bombs in Caracas, Venezuela

Tories don’t have hearts, of course, but if Duncan did have one, it wouldn’t have been in it because even he must know how desperate it sounds. Or perhaps he was just cognisant of his own…

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ONU: Colômbia tem 4 milhões de pessoas passando fome a mais que Venezuela


Miguel do Rosário, via O Cafezinho em 31/7/2017

Depois de ver tanta informação truncada sobre hordas de famintos da Venezuela, eu fui pegar o último mapa da fome da ONU, com números atualizados de 2014 e 2016.

Eu descobri alguns dados muito interessantes, printei e publico abaixo.

Os brasileiros deveriam se preocupar muito mais com a Colômbia do que com a Venezuela. Segundo a ONU, em 2014-2016, a Colômbia tinha mais de 4 milhões de pessoas em estado de desnutrição, contra zero da Venezuela.

Observe que a fome na Colômbia tem oscilando desde a década de 90, mas não caiu. Em 2002, era de 3,9 milhões de pessoas, hoje é de 4,4 milhões.

Já a Venezuela, que chegou a ter 3,8 milhões de pessoas em estado de insegurança alimentar no início dos anos 2000, ou seja, antes do chavismo, saiu do mapa da fome e hoje seus números são…

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Michael Fedison Celebrates a Year with Alexis Chateau PR

Alexis Chateau PR

On July 27, 2016, an independent author sent a business query to a digital nomad, after discovering her blog. Though the nomad primarily blogged about her travel adventures, she also discussed her work in marketing and PR. Her expertise caught his eye.

That digital nomad was our Founder & Managing Director, Alexis Chateau. And the author was Michael Fedison of The Eye-Dancers.

Facing Facts

At the time, Fedison was facing the harsh reality that most independent authors grapple with every single day: gaining publicity for his book on his own, without the backing of a publisher. But perhaps even more difficult, was the task of single-handedly proving to readers that his book was worthy of their attention.

“The fact is…

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