A crise brasileira e a depressão da inteligência


Além do aumento do desemprego, denúncias contra o presidente e retiradas de direito, golpe de 2016 fez com quem a população entrasse em estado de desânimo e desesperança. (Foto: Erviton Quartieri)

Flávio Aguiar (*)

De repente se espalhou o vírus – dentro e fora do Brasil, em parte da mídia internacional e até em comentários de articulistas de esquerda – que nega a existência de um “povo” em nosso país. Ou que “o povo” está completamente apático e anestesiado diante da crise. Cheguei a ler um comentário afirmando que a greve geral do dia 30 de junho não aconteceu de fato, porque “greve que não ocupa a Esplanada dos Ministérios ou a frente do palácio presidencial, não é greve”. Outro comentarista internacional argumentava que a greve do dia 30 protestava contra as reformas trabalhista e da previdência, mas não contra o governo. Ainda outro perguntava por que as multidões que…

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Green Four~by Jeremy J Croucher




Green Four

Seven colours, seven days
and green’s the next in line
The fourth one in the rainbow
and one that’s very fine

For it speaks to me of life itself
and the good things oft bestowed
on each of us ‘most every day
from all that nature grows


Photo – Jempics

Part 4 of 7 – ‘The Rainbow series’


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LOVE – everything else is a distraction

Poetry of Beauty

when it comes
when your time comes
to leave this place
all you will remember is love

not how much love you got
or even the love of someone
but the love deep in your soul and your heart

you may remember
the times you turned away from love
or built a home in fear

and all this may happen
in one moment
as your life flashes
in front of you

it wont matter about your riches or your poverty
your success or failure
your fame or your anonymity
all of this will be rendered as dust

but love will endure because it is everything
which is why it is the hardest truth to fully live

LOVE – everything else is a distraction

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Fake de Sartori de 6.100 novos policiais, vai ser estudo de caso para o marketing político (por Fabrício Rocha)

Luíz Müller Blog

Um Governador que se elege com 72% dos votos dizendo que não tem Plano de Governo e que seu projeto é “abraçar o Rio Grande” por si só é elemento de estudo do marketing político.

No SUL 21


Mas vamos aos fatos e suas consequências: primeiro 2 anos e 6 meses reclamando das finanças adotando daí medidas de extinção de Fundações e projetos de privatizações sem plebiscito.

Um misto de falta de plano de governo anunciado e incompetência tem como resultado o que segue: preconizo que até o final de seu governo nenhuma das Fundações extintas terá todo processo de extinção concluído. Por quê? O serviço público possui prazos e regras constitucionais que não dependem da vontade do gestor, ligado a isso a notória atrapalhação desse Governo, duvido que consigam vender um parafuso de qualquer uma das Fundações.

As privatizações então nem se fala: inicialmente optou pela mudança da constituição…

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Philly: Join Me for an In-Depth Galatians Bible Study

the long way home

book-of-galatians.jpgFriends in the Philly area: starting next Tuesday I will be leading a six-week Bible Study on the Epistle to the Galatians.

It’ll be on six consecutive Tuesdays at 7pm, starting next week, July 11th. You can sign up for it and the resources here.

I’m really excited about this. Each evening will be split into two parts. In the first, we will read through the chapter and study it using pre-modern, non-scholarly methods. We will sit with it and see what it might say to us if we had no other information and resources in front of us other than the text itself–hopefully, lessons we can bring to any passage of Scripture. We will try out methods that appeal to both the more “feely” types out there, as well as the more analytical ones. We’ll also look at how some ancient Christians experienced that text.

The second half…

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The Arising Journey Of Opening Your Heart

SoulFullHeart Experience

by Kalayna Colibri


When your heart first starts to open, you can feel the edges. You can feel the aperture widening, letting more light out and in, moving love to and fro in waves and perhaps in stops and starts. You can feel the emotions that come up as part of this sacred process, the protests inside from parts of you that may have fears about your heart opening and the ride this will take them on. You will begin to FEEL your parts, maybe for the first time, and all of the storms they’ve weathered in the name of ‘love’ as they’ve ‘known’ it to be or thought it to be, or assumed it to be based on their conditioning and experience. They may be unsure that love can be clean, can be pure, can be something that keeps flowing without end.

As your heart opens more, you feel…

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SOME DAY ~by Prasant Misra



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Indebted, I am to all …Ingenuously open,
The omnipotent fragrance, that my eyes ooze…
Come, all living, unliving beings !
All flames, visible, and invisible !
Could do you, with the fragrance, unimpeachably…
Can count, on its beauty, and briskness .
In all probability, tell you they will :
In one language, some day, poetry will be written-
For all,
And the language will be, the language of soul,
Still unplumbable … … … … … …

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