The Enigma Behind a Smile

The Caged Bird Sings

This is my major throw back to that day when I had high fever and was taken to the doctor’s clinic. In addition yo the fever, I had headache and the whole of my body was experiencing excruciating pain. My face became red hot in anger when I saw the mob of people on the clinic. Why does everybody have to fall sick on the same day as me? As it is, I hated doctors and the bitter medicines which they gave, along with a big lecture just ‘su***d’!

As I sat waiting for my turn, an ear-piercing voice just entered me and it was just intolerable! After a few seconds, I could make sense of what was happening. It was a small baby who was brought to the clinic for some vaccine. The thought of a baby crying over a vaccine was absurd to me because even as child…

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Next Stop on our Vacation: The Netherlands


The day after The Blogger’s Bash, Hubs and I flew to Amsterdam and rented a car. One of the men at Budget programed the car’s GPS for us and we drove to the tiny town of Huissen, about halfway between Arnhem and Nijmegan in western Holland. We had scheduled a visit with an old colleague of mine from my academic career (we were in the same field) who lived in Huissen; we were staying in an old three story, narrow hotel in Nijmegan.

Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands, with its first historical mention in the 1st century BC, when the Romans built a military camp on the place where Nijmegen was to appear; the location had great strategic value because of the surrounding hills, which gave (and continue to give) a good view over the Waal and Rhine valley. In 2005, it celebrated 2,000 years of existence.

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Teledisco de “When Doves Cry” finalmente disponível online

Máquina de Escrever

Os telediscos de Prince começam a estar finalmente disponíveis online. Assim, e a acompanhar o momento da reedição de Purple Rain, eis que surge uma conta no VEVO através da qual se apresentam imagens ligadas a este período.

Há gravações ao vivo de Baby I’m A Star, I Would Die 4 You e Take Me With U, assim como os telediscos de Let’s Go Crazy e When Doves Cry, este usando a versão longa da canção…

E é com este último que aqui ficamos:

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I wield Excalibur at twilight spirits.



A deep throb, thumping
within my temples.
Beating. Beating. Beating.
Then the rain, thrashing,
lashing, crashing.

I am reminded of
promises made and
promises broken.
Sat alone in pitch
black shadows

Edging ever closer
White illuminated skies
haunting rolls, deep angry
growls howling screams
plunged into darkness.

I have become my
own saviour, I wield
Excalibur at twilight
spirits, creeping
shadows and thunder.

Silence disturbed
only by cars dispersing
the puddles. There is hope.
Storms pass and skies clear
After all. Suspicion becomes me.

Sleep, the world’s answer
to all problems, eyes
fearful, wild, the lone wolf
or delicate deer, sleep is a
wish not made by my fear.

Rain humming static lullaby
melodic symphony, celestial
skies alit, the deep roar felt
within, scattering to my core.
Pitch black.
Reality for sure.

Karen Hayward (c) 2017

Image found on Pinterest

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The North Korea Dairy

In Saner Thought

Note:  This is intended as an FYI piece….nothing more……

We are having a helluva time with North Korea….some want it destroyed completely…..while others are not do demanding….but with all that aside what do we know about North Korea?

We know that it is a closed state…a communist state……we know that the people are super poor…..we know that their leadership is bit off (for lack of a better word)…..that it is isolated from the rest of the world….but how true is that statement?

Not very!

It may be called the “hermit kingdom,” but an analysis by the Wall Street Journal shows that North Korea is hardly isolated. In fact, it maintains political and economic ties with 164 nations and has embassies in 47 of them. China is, of course, its biggest trade partner by far, with India second. Pyongyang, however, has relationships of various kinds all over the globe, from supplying…

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Know Not The Dark

Pen of the Damned

It crept up his neck, colder than the cold.

He knew he should’ve done it sooner—take the Christmas lights down—but he wasn’t one for strenuous labor, especially not in the teeth of winter. He realized the first weekend after the holidays would’ve been a perfect time, but he opted for the couch instead; relaxation, beer, movies on Netflix. But the subsequent weekends bled one into the next; unpacking, painting, the arranging of furniture. Simply no extra time existed during the week, his wife and he being the professional couple they were. They never regretted their move from city to sleepy hamlet. They just didn’t anticipate the zeal with which their town celebrated the holidays.

Deep into winter, and still all lights remained aglow. Every block, every house, either framed in bulbs of classic steady white or pulsing in rhythmic green, blue, red. Residences blazing all at once to life…

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Cleaning products can kill pets

Jeanne Foguth's Blog

Hi everyone, Today we’ve got an important message from our friends over at the PDSA in regards to cleaning products. Just like many of you we too like our place clean and tidy but often people forget that certain cleaning products can be more than just a little harmful to our fur friends… That’s why…

via Cleaning products can kill pets, warns PDSA — Katzenworld

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