The modern GOP is incapable of empathy.

Lucky Otters Haven


Today, The Huffington Post published this article imploring the GOP to show as much sympathy and compassion for its constituents as it does for its wealthy donors and to each other.

While I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment, I take issue with this article because of its unrealistic assumption that the modern GOP is capable of compassion or sympathy.

In fact, they are not.    Maybe back in the old days (B.T — Before Trump), and among some moderate Republicans, that may be true.  But moderate Republicans are in the minority these days and hold almost no power anymore.   All three branches of government are hamstrung by far right Freedom Caucus or alt-right fascist types who want to take us back not to 1953 — remember, we had a lot more “socialism” during the ’50s, a decade that the far right seems to otherwise love —  but…

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